Friday, January 01, 2010


Okay, so day one of this re-dedication to my diet thing didn't go too bad. I skipped breakfast, which I know is bad. Past experience has taught me that when I eat breakfast it keeps me satisfied until late mid-afternoon at which time I eat lunch. At any rate we were out the door early this morning to meet some friends for lunch and so breakfast just didn't happen.
Well. Unless two cups of black coffee constitute breakfast.
I think I did my best considering the circumstances for lunch. We ate out at Chili's, which as anyone knows is tough to do. I chose to eat black bean soup and a house salad, and munched on chips and salsa as well. Considering my menu options, I could have gone for something way worse, so I'll give myself a gold star for that.
I ate a light dinner and then found myself hungry late evening. I tried to skip eating all together but my tummy won out and a bowl of cereal it was. I was over my point limit for the day thanks to that cereal, hopefully tomorrow I'll do better.
Oh, and the other thing that I 'should' have done today that I didn't? Exercise. I walked around an outdoor mall for several hours and did some cleaning when we got home, but I really should have done something more than that. Another thing to work on tomorrow.

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