Friday, March 27, 2009

Energy Boosting Tips

By Andrea Neblett Have you hit the wall lately? If you can’t find energy to do routine tasks, have problems concentrating or keeping your temper in check, you could be suffering from fatigue. And you’re not alone. In a 2008 Stress in America Survey conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA), 53 percent of people reported feeling fatigue. Several factors can be to blame, including some medical conditions, a lifestyle issue such as chronic stress, being overwhelmed with work, or bad nighttime habits such as eating late or sleeping in a lumpy bed. Fatigue doesn’t have to become a permanent state. There are dozens of energy boosters at your disposal. Here are some of the best ways to get energized: Size up Stress Start by understanding your stress triggers, recommends the APA. These include finances, family or health problem, or a work situation. Once you pinpoint what sets off your stress find healthy ways to manage them. For instance, if you’re suffering from nagging pain, see your doctor to assess and treat the problem. If you’re in debt, work with a credit counselor to get your finances back on track. Eat Healthier A poor diet affects liver function, and one of the main symptoms of poor liver function is fatigue. A study conducted at the University of Southern California suggested that lipids from abdominal fat drain directly into the liver, where they may accumulate as triglycerides and interfere with important metabolic processes. Tweak your diet with these energy-boosting foods:
Complex carbohydrates, such as oatmeal, grains, cereals, and whole grain breads and pasta. Bananas, which contain magnesium, a mineral that changes glucose into energy. Lean protein foods like beans, turkey or chicken breast, fish, whey protein powder, wheat germ, nuts, and egg whites. Iron-rich foods such as liver, lean red meat, dried beans, dried fruits, egg yolks, green leafy vegetables, poultry, salmon, and whole grains.
Sleep More Soundly About 30 percent of Americans suffer from insomnia, which can cause a variety of daytime problems such as moodiness, anxiety and fatigue, explains the American Association of Sleep Medicine. They recommend these techniques for better sleep:
Make your bedroom conducive to sleeping. It should be comfortable (with a good mattress and no light, for instance), have little noise and no extreme temperatures. Go to bed only when you’re sleepy. Keep the same bedtime every day of the week. Don’t nap for more than hour or after 3 p.m. Don’t drink caffeine or alcohol, or smoke late in the day. Try to purge your worries from your mind before bedtime. Only use sleeping pills when supervised by a doctor. Talk to your doctor or a sleep specialist for more advice.
Article courtesy of Quality Health

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